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Michele M. Tugade

Professor of Psychological Science on the William R. Kenan, Jr. Chair
A headshot of Dr. Michele Tugade, a person with long black hair and a blue dress.

Michele M. Tugade, Ph.D., is Professor in the Department of Psychological Science at Vassar College, where she directs the Affective Science Laboratory. Her research focuses on the function of positive emotions in the coping process; the mechanisms that promote resilience in the face of stress and adversity; and emotion-related processes associated with health and well-being. Her program of research incorporates multiple research methodologies, including laboratory-based experiments, experience-sampling methodology, behavioral analyses, and psychophysiological measurement procedures.

Dr. Tugade received a Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award from the National Institute of Mental Health and is an elected member of the International Society for Research on Emotions.  She serves on the Board of Directors of the International Positive Psychology Association. In her capacity as a researcher in the field of affective science and resilience, she has worked with organizations such as Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, NASA, Apple Inc., The United Way, and the University of Global Health Equity. Her research has been featured in a number of media outlets, including NPR, Thrive Global, Huffington Post, Psychology Today, and CNBC. Her most recent book is The Handbook of Positive Emotions (Guilford Press).

BA, Vassar College; MA, PhD, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
At Vassar since 2004


New England Building
Box 60

Research and Academic Interests

Emotions; Resilience; Health and Well-being

Departments and Programs


PSYC 233 Health Psychology
PSYC 353 Seminar in Individual Differences and Personality

Selected Publications


Journal Articles & Chapters

  • Fritzson, A., Lieberman, M., & Tugade, M. M. (2017). Assessment of mood: Examining links between emotions and health. In C. Llewellyn et al. (Eds). Cambridge Handbook of Psychology, Health, and Medicine. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. PDF
  • Lieberman, M., Reed, B., & Tugade, M. M. (2017). Affective disorders: Examining assessment, treatments, and therapies in clinical and health science. In C. Llewellyn et al. (Eds). Cambridge Handbook of Psychology, Health, and Medicine. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. PDF
  • Reed, B., Hu, S., & Tugade, M. M. (2017). Building Resilience with Positive Emotions: Examining Research on Physical and Psychological Well-Being (Special Issue on Happiness). Revue Québécoise de PsychologiePDF
  • Reed, B., Hu, S., & Tugade, M. M. (2017). [Translated into French] Émotions positives et resilience: Effets des emotions positives sur le bien-être physique et phychologique. Revue Québécoise de PsychologiePDF
  • Tugade, M. M., Devlin, H. C., Fredrickson, B. L. (2016). Positive Emotions. In S. Lopez, L. Edwards, & S. Marquez (Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Kirby, L. D., Tugade, M. M., Morrow, J., Ahrens, A., & Smith, C. A. (2014). Vive la differénce: The ability to differentiate positive emotional experience and well-being. In M. M. Tugade, M. N. Shiota, & L. D. Kirby (Eds.) Handbook of Positive Emotions. New York, NY: Guilford Press.
  • Kirby, L. D., Tugade, M. M., & Shiota, M. N. (2014). The science of positive emotion: Synthesis, commentary, and future directions. In M. M. Tugade, M. N. Shiota, & L. D. Kirby (Eds.) Handbook of Positive Emotions. New York, NY: Guilford Press.
  • Mitamura, C., Leu, J., Campos, B., & Tugade, M. M. (2014). Traversing affective boundaries: Examining cultural norms for positive emotions. In M. M. Tugade, M. N. Shiota, & L. D. Kirby (Eds.) Handbook of Positive Emotions. New York, NY: Guilford Press.
  • Mitamura, C., Reuman, L. R., & Tugade, M. M. (2014). Resilience. In A. C. Michalos (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Quality of Life Research. New York, NY: Springer Press. PDF
  • Tugade, M. M., Devlin, H. C., & Fredrickson, B. L. (2014). Infusing positive emotions into life: The broaden-and- build theory and a dual-process model of resilience. In M. M. Tugade, M. N. Shiota, & L. D. Kirby (Eds.) Handbook of Positive Emotions. New York, NY: Guilford Press.
  • Tugade, M. M., Shiota, M. N., & Kirby, L. D. (2014). The science of positive emotion: An overview. In M. M. Tugade, M. N. Shiota, & L. D. Kirby (Eds.) Handbook of Positive Emotions. New York, NY: Guilford Press.
  • Reuman, L. R., Mitamura, C., & Tugade, M. M. (2013). Coping: An application of positive psychological constructs to disability. In M. L. Wehmeyer (Ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology and Disability. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. PDF
  • Conway, A. M., Tugade, M. M., Catalino, L., & Fredrickson, B. L. (2012). The Broaden-and-Build theory of positive emotions: Form, function and mechanisms. In J. Vitterso (Ed.) Oxford Handbook of Happiness. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. PDF
  • Tugade, M. M. (2011). Positive emotions, coping, & resilience. In S.Folkman (Ed.) Oxford Handbook of Stress, Health, and Coping (pp. 186 – 199). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Tugade, M. M. (2009). Barbara Fredrickson (Biographical entry). In S. J. Lopez (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Positive Psychology. London: Blackwell Publishing.
  • Waugh, C., Tugade, M. M., & Fredrickson, B. L. (2008). Psychophysiology of resilience. In B. J. Lukey & V. Tepe (Eds.) Biobehavioral Resilience to Stress (pp. 117 – 138). New York, NY: Taylor & Francis. <
  • Tugade, M. M., Conner, T., & Barrett, L. F. (2007). Assessment of mood. In S. Ayers, A. Baum, C. McManus, S. Newman, K. Wallston, J.Weinman, and R. West (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Psychology, Health, and Medicine (2nd Edition). New York, NY: Cambridge. PDF
  • Tugade, M. M., & Fredrickson, B. L. (2007). Regulation of positive emotions: Emotion regulation strategies that promote resilience. Journal of Happiness Studies: Special Issue on Emotion Self-Regulation, 8, 311 – 333. PDF
  • Conner, T.S., Barrett, L. F., Tugade, M. M. & Tennen, H. (2007). Idiographic personality: The theory and practice of experience sampling. In R. W. Robins, R. C. Fraley, & R. Kreuger (Eds.), Handbook of Research Methods in Personality Psychology (pp.79 – 98). New York, NY: Guilford Press. PDF
  • Chang, E. C., Tugade, M. M., & Asakawa, K. (2006). Stress, appraisals, and coping among Asian Americans: Lazarus and Folkman’s model and beyond. In C. Scott and P. T. Wong (Eds.) Handbook of Multicultural Perspectives on Stress and Coping. International and Cultural Psychology Series. (pp. 439-455). Dallas, TX: Spring Publications. PDF
  • Barrett, L. F., Tugade, M. M., & Engle, R. (2004). Individual differences in working memory capacity and dual-process theories of the mind. Psychological Bulletin, 130, 553 – 573. PDF
  • Tugade, M. M. & Fredrickson, B. L. (2004). Resilient individuals use positive emotions to bounce back from negative emotional experiences. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 86, 320 – 333. PDF
  • Tugade, M. M., Fredrickson, B. L., & Barrett, L. F. (2004). Psychological resilience and emotional granularity: Examining the benefits of positive emotions on coping and health. Journal of Personality, 72, 1161 – 1190. PDF
  • Tugade, M. M. & Fredrickson, B. L. (2004). Emotions: Positive emotions and health. In N. Anderson (Ed.), Encyclopedia of health and behavior (pp. 306 – 310). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Conner, T., Barrett, L. F., & Tugade, M. M. (2004). Ecological momentary assessment. In N. Anderson (Ed.), Encyclopedia of health and behavior (pp. 291 – 292). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Fredrickson, B. L., Tugade, M. M., Waugh, C. E., & Larkin, G. (2003). What good are positive emotions in crises?: A prospective study of resilience and emotions following the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11th, 2001. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84, 365 – 376. PDF
  • Tugade, M. M. & Fredrickson, B. L. (2002). Positive emotions and emotional intelligence. In Barrett, L. F. & Salovey, P. (Eds.) The wisdom of feelings: Psychological processes in emotional intelligence (pp. 319 – 340). New York, NY: Guilford Press. PDF
  • Fredrickson, B. L., Mancuso, R. A., Branigan, C., & Tugade, M. M. (2000). The undoing effect of positive emotions. Motivation and Emotion, 24, 237 – 257. PDF

In the Media

A person with straight gray hair, a necklace of shiny black stones, and an indigo jacket smiles at the camera

Vassar College recently hosted a three-part webinar titled “Innovation in Higher Education: Building Capacity for Inclusive Leadership” that featured conversations with people in the academic and business worlds. All agreed that transforming global society into a more equitable one will require today’s students to engage in a broad, liberal arts education.

Rwanda Summer Program Group Selfie

Vassar and the University of Global Health Equity (UGHE), a recently established medical school in Rwanda, have been engaged over the past three years in initiatives that benefit both institutions. The partnership has shown how the liberal arts can enhance health care.

Professor of English Eve Dunbar

Professor of English Eve Dunbar, Professor of Drama Shona Tucker, Assistant Professor of Biology Myra Hughey, and Professor of Psychological Science Michele Tugade ’95 have been appointed to endowed chairs, Dean of the Faculty William Hoynes announced.

Alumnae/i and Parent Mentors Help Sophomores Envision Their Futures

At Vassar’s sixth annual Sophomore Career Connections, held on the weekend of January 17, 248 sophomores gained invaluable insights from 103 alums and parents who spent the weekend helping them envision their futures. The event was co-hosted by the Career Development Office and the Office of Alumnae/i Affairs and Development.


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